
This module provides functionality for listing and displaying files from a HuggingFace repository in a tree-like structure.

It includes functions for parsing repository paths, retrieving file information, and formatting the output as a tree. The module also defines a CLI command for easy interaction with the tree functionality.

Key components:

  • TreeItem: A dataclass representing an item (file or folder) in the tree structure.

  • _get_tree: Function to retrieve the tree structure of files in a HuggingFace repository.

  • _add_tree_subcommand: Function to add the ‘tree’ subcommand to a Click CLI group.

Usage: This module is typically used as part of a larger CLI application for interacting with HuggingFace repositories. The ‘tree’ command can be used to visualize the structure of files in a repository.


class hfutils.entry.tree.TreeItem(name: str, type_: FileItemType, children: List[TreeItem] | None, exist: bool = True)[source]

Represents an item (file or folder) in the tree structure.

  • name (str) – The name of the item.

  • type (FileItemType) – The type of the item (file or folder).

  • children (Optional[List[TreeItem]]) – List of child items if this is a folder.

  • exist (bool) – Whether the item exists in the repository.

  • name – The name of the item.

  • type – The type of the item.

  • children – List of child items.

  • exist – Existence status of the item.