Source code for hfutils.repository.clone

This module provides functionality to clone Hugging Face Hub repositories using Git.

It includes a function to clone a repository from Hugging Face Hub to a local directory,
with options for authentication, repository type, revision, and other Git clone parameters.

import copy
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Optional

from huggingface_hub.errors import LocalTokenNotFoundError
from urlobject import URLObject

from .base import hf_hub_repo_url, _check_git
from ..operate import get_hf_client
from ..utils.path import RepoTypeTyping

[docs]def hf_hub_clone(repo_id: str, dst_dir: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: str = 'main', endpoint: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None, silent: bool = False, no_lfs: bool = False, max_depth: Optional[int] = None): """ Clone a repository from Hugging Face Hub. :param repo_id: The ID of the repository to clone. :type repo_id: str :param dst_dir: The local directory to clone the repository into. :type dst_dir: str :param repo_type: The type of the repository ('dataset', 'model', or 'space'). Defaults to 'dataset'. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping :param revision: The specific revision to clone. Defaults to 'main'. :type revision: str :param endpoint: The Hugging Face Hub endpoint. If None, uses the default endpoint. :type endpoint: Optional[str] :param hf_token: The Hugging Face authentication token. If None, attempts to use stored credentials. :type hf_token: Optional[str] :param silent: If True, suppresses command output. Defaults to False. :type silent: bool :param no_lfs: If True, skips downloading of LFS files. Defaults to False. :type no_lfs: bool :param max_depth: The maximum number of commits to fetch. If None, fetches all commits. :type max_depth: Optional[int] :raises subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the Git clone command fails. :usage: >>> hf_hub_clone('username/repo', '/path/to/local/dir', repo_type='model', revision='v1.0') """ _git = _check_git(requires_lfs=not no_lfs) hf_client = get_hf_client(hf_token) try: username = hf_client.whoami()['name'] except LocalTokenNotFoundError: username = None # anonymous mode clone_url = URLObject(hf_hub_repo_url( repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, endpoint=endpoint, )) if username: clone_url = clone_url.with_username(username).with_password(hf_client.token) clone_url = str(clone_url) command = [_git, 'clone', '-b', revision] if max_depth is not None: command.extend(['--depth', str(max_depth)]) command.extend([clone_url, dst_dir])'Cloning repository with command {command!r} ...') with open(os.devnull, 'w') as nf: envs = copy.deepcopy(os.environ) if no_lfs: envs['GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE'] = '1' envs['GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT'] = '0' process = args=command, stdout=nf if silent else sys.stdout, stderr=nf if silent else sys.stderr, env=envs, bufsize=0 if not silent else -1, ) process.check_returncode()