import fnmatch
from typing import Optional
import click
from huggingface_hub import configure_http_backend
from huggingface_hub.utils import LocalTokenNotFoundError
from .base import CONTEXT_SETTINGS, ClickErrorException
from ..operate.base import REPO_TYPES, get_hf_client
from ..utils import get_requests_session
[docs]class NoLocalAuthentication(ClickErrorException):
Exception raised when there is no local authentication token.
exit_code = 0x31
def _add_ls_repo_subcommand(cli: click.Group) -> click.Group:
Add the ls_repo subcommand to the CLI.
:param cli: The click Group object.
:type cli: click.Group
:return: The updated click Group object.
:rtype: click.Group
@cli.command('ls_repo', help='List repositories from HuggingFace.\n\n'
'Set environment $HF_TOKEN to use your own access token.',
@click.option('-a', '--author', 'author', type=str, default=None,
help='Author of the repositories. Search my repositories when not given.')
@click.option('-t', '--type', 'repo_type', type=click.Choice(REPO_TYPES), default='dataset',
help='Type of the HuggingFace repository.', show_default=True)
@click.option('-p', '--pattern', 'pattern', type=str, default='*',
help='Pattern of the repository names.', show_default=True)
def ls(author: Optional[str], repo_type: str, pattern: str):
List repositories from HuggingFace.
:param author: Author of the repositories.
:type author: Optional[str]
:param repo_type: Type of the HuggingFace repository.
:type repo_type: str
:param pattern: Pattern of the repository names.
:type pattern: str
hf_client = get_hf_client()
if not author:
info = hf_client.whoami()
author = author or info['name']
except LocalTokenNotFoundError:
raise NoLocalAuthentication(
'Authentication failed.\n'
'Make sure you have set the correct Huggingface token.\n'
'Or if need to use this with guest mode, please explicitly set the `-a` option.'
if repo_type == 'model':
r = hf_client.list_models(author=author)
elif repo_type == 'dataset':
r = hf_client.list_datasets(author=author)
elif repo_type == 'space':
r = hf_client.list_spaces(author=author)
raise ValueError(f'Unknown repository type - {repo_type!r}.') # pragma: no cover
for repo_item in r:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(, pattern):
return cli