Source code for hfutils.utils.path

import json
import os
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Optional, Dict, Set, Literal

RepoTypeTyping = Literal['dataset', 'model', 'space']

[docs]def hf_normpath(path) -> str: """ Normalize a given path. :param path: The path to normalize. :type path: Any :return: The normalized path. :rtype: str """ return re.sub( r'[\\/]+', '/', os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.sep, path)), os.sep) )
[docs]def hf_fs_path(repo_id: str, filename: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: Optional[str] = None): """ Get the huggingface filesystem path. :param repo_id: The repository ID. :type repo_id: str :param filename: The filename. :type filename: str :param repo_type: The type of repository. (default: 'dataset') :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping :param revision: The revision of the repository. (default: None) :type revision: Optional[str] :return: The huggingface filesystem path. :rtype: str """ filename = hf_normpath(filename) if repo_type == 'dataset': prefix = 'datasets/' elif repo_type == 'space': prefix = 'spaces/' else: prefix = '' if revision is not None: revision_text = f'@{revision}' else: revision_text = '' return f'{prefix}{repo_id}{revision_text}/{filename}'
@lru_cache() def _irregular_repos() -> Dict[RepoTypeTyping, Set[str]]: """ Get irregular repositories. :return: A dictionary containing irregular repositories. :rtype: Dict[RepoTypeTyping, Set[str]] """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'irregular_repo.json'), 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return { 'model': set(data['models']), 'dataset': set(data['datasets']), 'space': set(data['spaces']), } _RE_IR_PATH = re.compile( r'^(?P<repo_id>[^@/]+)(@(?P<revision>[^@/]+))?(/(?P<filename>[\s\S]+))?$') _RE_PATH = re.compile( r'^(?P<repo_id>[^@/]+/[^@/]+)(@(?P<revision>(refs/pr/\d+|[^@/]+)))?(/(?P<filename>[\s\S]+))?$')
[docs]@dataclass class HfFileSystemPath: """ Huggingface FileSystem Path. :param repo_id: The repository ID. :type repo_id: str :param filename: The filename. :type filename: str :param repo_type: The type of repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping :param revision: The revision of the repository. :type revision: Optional[str] """ repo_id: str filename: str repo_type: RepoTypeTyping revision: Optional[str]
[docs]def parse_hf_fs_path(path: str) -> HfFileSystemPath: """ Parse the huggingface filesystem path. :param path: The path to parse. :type path: str :return: The parsed huggingface filesystem path. :rtype: HfFileSystemPath :raises ValueError: If this path is invalid. """ origin_path = path repo_type: RepoTypeTyping if path.startswith('datasets/'): repo_type = 'dataset' path = path[len('datasets/'):] elif path.startswith('spaces/'): repo_type = 'space' path = path[len('spaces/'):] else: repo_type = 'model' matching = _RE_IR_PATH.fullmatch(path) if matching: if'repo_id') not in _irregular_repos()[repo_type]: matching = None if not matching: matching = _RE_PATH.fullmatch(path) if matching: repo_id ='repo_id') revision ='revision') or None filename = hf_normpath('filename') or '.') return HfFileSystemPath(repo_id, filename, repo_type, revision) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid huggingface filesystem path - {origin_path!r}.')