Source code for hfutils.index.fetch

import json
import os.path
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union

from huggingface_hub.file_download import http_get, hf_hub_url
from huggingface_hub.utils import build_hf_headers

from .hash import _f_sha256
from ..operate.base import RepoTypeTyping, get_hf_client

[docs]class ArchiveStandaloneFileIncompleteDownload(Exception): """ Exception raised when a standalone file in an archive is incompletely downloaded. """
[docs]class ArchiveStandaloneFileHashNotMatch(Exception): """ Exception raised when the hash of a standalone file in an archive does not match. """
[docs]def hf_tar_get_index(repo_id: str, archive_in_repo: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: str = 'main', idx_repo_id: Optional[str] = None, idx_file_in_repo: Optional[str] = None, idx_repo_type: Optional[RepoTypeTyping] = None, idx_revision: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None): """ Get the index of a tar archive file in a Hugging Face repository. :param repo_id: The identifier of the repository. :type repo_id: str :param archive_in_repo: The path to the archive file in the repository. :type archive_in_repo: str :param repo_type: The type of the Hugging Face repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param revision: The revision of the repository. :type revision: str, optional :param idx_repo_id: The identifier of the index repository. :type idx_repo_id: str, optional :param idx_file_in_repo: The path to the index file in the index repository. :type idx_file_in_repo: str, optional :param idx_repo_type: The type of the index repository. :type idx_repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param idx_revision: The revision of the index repository. :type idx_revision: str, optional :param hf_token: The Hugging Face access token. :type hf_token: str, optional :return: The index of the tar archive file. :rtype: Dict Examples:: >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_get_index >>> >>> idx = hf_tar_get_index( ... repo_id='deepghs/danbooru_newest', ... archive_in_repo='images/0000.tar', ... ) >>> idx.keys() dict_keys(['filesize', 'hash', 'hash_lfs', 'files']) >>> idx['files'].keys() dict_keys(['7507000.jpg', '7506000.jpg', '7505000.jpg', ...]) .. note:: Besides, if the tar and index files are in different repositories, you can also use this function to get the index information by explicitly assigning the ``idx_repo_id`` argument. >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_get_index >>> >>> idx = hf_tar_get_index( ... repo_id='nyanko7/danbooru2023', ... idx_repo_id='deepghs/danbooru2023_index', ... archive_in_repo='original/data-0000.tar', ... ) >>> idx.keys() dict_keys(['filesize', 'hash', 'hash_lfs', 'files']) >>> idx['files'].keys() dict_keys(['./1000.png', './10000.jpg', './100000.jpg', ...]) """ hf_client = get_hf_client(hf_token) body, _ = os.path.splitext(archive_in_repo) default_index_file = f'{body}.json' with open(hf_client.hf_hub_download( repo_id=idx_repo_id or repo_id, repo_type=idx_repo_type or repo_type, filename=idx_file_in_repo or default_index_file, revision=idx_revision or revision, ), 'r') as f: return json.load(f)
[docs]def hf_tar_list_files(repo_id: str, archive_in_repo: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: str = 'main', idx_repo_id: Optional[str] = None, idx_file_in_repo: Optional[str] = None, idx_repo_type: Optional[RepoTypeTyping] = None, idx_revision: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None): """ List files inside a tar archive file in a Hugging Face repository. :param repo_id: The identifier of the repository. :type repo_id: str :param archive_in_repo: The path to the archive file in the repository. :type archive_in_repo: str :param repo_type: The type of the Hugging Face repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param revision: The revision of the repository. :type revision: str, optional :param idx_repo_id: The identifier of the index repository. :type idx_repo_id: str, optional :param idx_file_in_repo: The path to the index file in the index repository. :type idx_file_in_repo: str, optional :param idx_repo_type: The type of the index repository. :type idx_repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param idx_revision: The revision of the index repository. :type idx_revision: str, optional :param hf_token: The Hugging Face access token. :type hf_token: str, optional :return: The list of files inside the tar archive. :rtype: List[str] Examples:: >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_list_files >>> >>> hf_tar_list_files( ... repo_id='deepghs/danbooru_newest', ... archive_in_repo='images/0000.tar', ... ) ['7507000.jpg', '7506000.jpg', '7505000.jpg', ...] .. note:: Besides, if the tar and index files are in different repositories, you can also use this function to list all the files by explicitly assigning the ``idx_repo_id`` argument. >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_list_files >>> >>> hf_tar_list_files( ... repo_id='nyanko7/danbooru2023', ... idx_repo_id='deepghs/danbooru2023_index', ... archive_in_repo='original/data-0000.tar', ... ) ['./1000.png', './10000.jpg', './100000.jpg', ...] """ index_data = hf_tar_get_index( repo_id=repo_id, archive_in_repo=archive_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, idx_repo_id=idx_repo_id, idx_file_in_repo=idx_file_in_repo, idx_repo_type=idx_repo_type, idx_revision=idx_revision, hf_token=hf_token, ) return list(index_data['files'].keys())
[docs]def hf_tar_file_exists(repo_id: str, archive_in_repo: str, file_in_archive: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: str = 'main', idx_repo_id: Optional[str] = None, idx_file_in_repo: Optional[str] = None, idx_repo_type: Optional[RepoTypeTyping] = None, idx_revision: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None): """ Check if a file exists inside a tar archive file in a Hugging Face repository. :param repo_id: The identifier of the repository. :type repo_id: str :param archive_in_repo: The path to the archive file in the repository. :type archive_in_repo: str :param file_in_archive: The path to the file inside the archive. :type file_in_archive: str :param repo_type: The type of the Hugging Face repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param revision: The revision of the repository. :type revision: str, optional :param idx_repo_id: The identifier of the index repository. :type idx_repo_id: str, optional :param idx_file_in_repo: The path to the index file in the index repository. :type idx_file_in_repo: str, optional :param idx_repo_type: The type of the index repository. :type idx_repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param idx_revision: The revision of the index repository. :type idx_revision: str, optional :param hf_token: The Hugging Face access token. :type hf_token: str, optional :return: True if the file exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool Examples:: >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_exists >>> >>> hf_tar_file_exists( ... repo_id='deepghs/danbooru_newest', ... archive_in_repo='images/0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='7506000.jpg', ... ) True >>> hf_tar_file_exists( ... repo_id='deepghs/danbooru_newest', ... archive_in_repo='images/0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='17506000.jpg', ... ) False .. note:: Besides, if the tar and index files are in different repositories, you can also use this function to check the file existence by explicitly assigning the ``idx_repo_id`` argument. >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_exists >>> >>> hf_tar_file_exists( ... repo_id='nyanko7/danbooru2023', ... idx_repo_id='deepghs/danbooru2023_index', ... archive_in_repo='original/data-0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='1000.png' ... ) True >>> hf_tar_file_exists( ... repo_id='nyanko7/danbooru2023', ... idx_repo_id='deepghs/danbooru2023_index', ... archive_in_repo='original/data-0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='10000000001000.png' ... ) False """ index = hf_tar_get_index( repo_id=repo_id, archive_in_repo=archive_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, idx_repo_id=idx_repo_id, idx_file_in_repo=idx_file_in_repo, idx_repo_type=idx_repo_type, idx_revision=idx_revision, hf_token=hf_token, ) files = _hf_files_process(index['files']) return _n_path(file_in_archive) in files
def _n_path(path): """ Normalize a file path. :param path: The file path to normalize. :type path: str :return: The normalized file path. :rtype: str """ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join('/', path)) def _hf_files_process(files: Dict[str, dict]): """ Normalize file paths in a dictionary of files. :param files: The dictionary of files. :type files: Dict[str, dict] :return: The dictionary of files with normalized paths. :rtype: Dict[str, dict] """ return {_n_path(key): value for key, value in files.items()}
[docs]def hf_tar_file_info(repo_id: str, archive_in_repo: str, file_in_archive: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: str = 'main', idx_repo_id: Optional[str] = None, idx_file_in_repo: Optional[str] = None, idx_repo_type: Optional[RepoTypeTyping] = None, idx_revision: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """ Get a file's detailed information in index tars, including offset, sha256 and size. :param repo_id: The identifier of the repository. :type repo_id: str :param archive_in_repo: The path to the archive file in the repository. :type archive_in_repo: str :param file_in_archive: The path to the file inside the archive. :type file_in_archive: str :param repo_type: The type of the Hugging Face repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param revision: The revision of the repository. :type revision: str, optional :param idx_repo_id: The identifier of the index repository. :type idx_repo_id: str, optional :param idx_file_in_repo: The path to the index file in the index repository. :type idx_file_in_repo: str, optional :param idx_repo_type: The type of the index repository. :type idx_repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param idx_revision: The revision of the index repository. :type idx_revision: str, optional :param hf_token: The Hugging Face access token. :type hf_token: str, optional :return: Return a dictionary object with meta information of this file. :rtype: dict :raises FileNotFoundError: Raise this when file not exist in tar archive. Examples:: >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_info >>> >>> hf_tar_file_info( ... repo_id='deepghs/danbooru_newest', ... archive_in_repo='images/0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='7506000.jpg', ... ) {'offset': 265728, 'size': 435671, 'sha256': 'ef6a4e031fdffb705c8ce2c64e8cb8d993f431a887d7c1c0b1e6fa56e6107fcd'} .. note:: Besides, if the tar and index files are in different repositories, you can also use this function to get the file information by explicitly assigning the ``idx_repo_id`` argument. >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_info >>> >>> hf_tar_file_info( ... repo_id='nyanko7/danbooru2023', ... idx_repo_id='deepghs/danbooru2023_index', ... archive_in_repo='original/data-0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='1000.png' ... ) {'offset': 1024, 'size': 11966, 'sha256': '478d3313860519372f6a75ede287d4a7c18a2d851bbc79b3dd65caff4c716858'} """ index = hf_tar_get_index( repo_id=repo_id, archive_in_repo=archive_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, idx_repo_id=idx_repo_id, idx_file_in_repo=idx_file_in_repo, idx_repo_type=idx_repo_type, idx_revision=idx_revision, hf_token=hf_token, ) files = _hf_files_process(index['files']) if _n_path(file_in_archive) not in files: raise FileNotFoundError(f'File {file_in_archive!r} not found ' f'in {repo_type}s/{repo_id}@{revision}/{archive_in_repo}.') else: return files[_n_path(file_in_archive)]
[docs]def hf_tar_file_size(repo_id: str, archive_in_repo: str, file_in_archive: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: str = 'main', idx_repo_id: Optional[str] = None, idx_file_in_repo: Optional[str] = None, idx_repo_type: Optional[RepoTypeTyping] = None, idx_revision: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """ Get a file's size in index tars. :param repo_id: The identifier of the repository. :type repo_id: str :param archive_in_repo: The path to the archive file in the repository. :type archive_in_repo: str :param file_in_archive: The path to the file inside the archive. :type file_in_archive: str :param repo_type: The type of the Hugging Face repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param revision: The revision of the repository. :type revision: str, optional :param idx_repo_id: The identifier of the index repository. :type idx_repo_id: str, optional :param idx_file_in_repo: The path to the index file in the index repository. :type idx_file_in_repo: str, optional :param idx_repo_type: The type of the index repository. :type idx_repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param idx_revision: The revision of the index repository. :type idx_revision: str, optional :param hf_token: The Hugging Face access token. :type hf_token: str, optional :return: Return an integer which represents the size of this file. :rtype: int :raises FileNotFoundError: Raise this when file not exist in tar archive. Examples:: >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_size >>> >>> hf_tar_file_size( ... repo_id='deepghs/danbooru_newest', ... archive_in_repo='images/0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='7506000.jpg', ... ) 435671 .. note:: Besides, if the tar and index files are in different repositories, you can also use this function to get the file size by explicitly assigning the ``idx_repo_id`` argument. >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_size >>> >>> hf_tar_file_size( ... repo_id='nyanko7/danbooru2023', ... idx_repo_id='deepghs/danbooru2023_index', ... archive_in_repo='original/data-0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='1000.png' ... ) 11966 """ return hf_tar_file_info( repo_id=repo_id, archive_in_repo=archive_in_repo, file_in_archive=file_in_archive, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, idx_repo_id=idx_repo_id, idx_file_in_repo=idx_file_in_repo, idx_repo_type=idx_repo_type, idx_revision=idx_revision, hf_token=hf_token )['size']
[docs]def hf_tar_file_download(repo_id: str, archive_in_repo: str, file_in_archive: str, local_file: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping = 'dataset', revision: str = 'main', idx_repo_id: Optional[str] = None, idx_file_in_repo: Optional[str] = None, idx_repo_type: Optional[RepoTypeTyping] = None, idx_revision: Optional[str] = None, proxies: Optional[Dict] = None, user_agent: Union[Dict, str, None] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, endpoint: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None): """ Download a file from a tar archive file in a Hugging Face repository. :param repo_id: The identifier of the repository. :type repo_id: str :param archive_in_repo: The path to the archive file in the repository. :type archive_in_repo: str :param file_in_archive: The path to the file inside the archive. :type file_in_archive: str :param local_file: The path to save the downloaded file locally. :type local_file: str :param repo_type: The type of the Hugging Face repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param revision: The revision of the repository. :type revision: str, optional :param idx_repo_id: The identifier of the index repository. :type idx_repo_id: str, optional :param idx_file_in_repo: The path to the index file in the index repository. :type idx_file_in_repo: str, optional :param idx_repo_type: The type of the index repository. :type idx_repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, optional :param idx_revision: The revision of the index repository. :type idx_revision: str, optional :param proxies: The proxies to be used for the HTTP request. :type proxies: Dict, optional :param user_agent: The user agent for the HTTP request. :type user_agent: Union[Dict, str, None], optional :param headers: The additional headers for the HTTP request. :type headers: Dict[str, str], optional :param endpoint: The Hugging Face API endpoint. :type endpoint: str, optional :param hf_token: The Hugging Face access token. :type hf_token: str, optional :raises FileNotFoundError: Raise this when file not exist in tar archive. :raises ArchiveStandaloneFileIncompleteDownload: Raise when download incomplete. :raises ArchiveStandaloneFileHashNotMatch: Raise when download hash not match. Examples:: >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_download >>> >>> hf_tar_file_download( ... repo_id='deepghs/danbooru_newest', ... archive_in_repo='images/0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='7506000.jpg', ... local_file='test_example.jpg' # download destination ... ) .. note:: Besides, if the tar and index files are in different repositories, you can also use this function to download the given file by explicitly assigning the ``idx_repo_id`` argument. >>> from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_download >>> >>> hf_tar_file_download( ... repo_id='nyanko7/danbooru2023', ... idx_repo_id='deepghs/danbooru2023_index', ... archive_in_repo='original/data-0000.tar', ... file_in_archive='1000.png', ... local_file='test_example.png' # download destination ... ) """ index = hf_tar_get_index( repo_id=repo_id, archive_in_repo=archive_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, idx_repo_id=idx_repo_id, idx_file_in_repo=idx_file_in_repo, idx_repo_type=idx_repo_type, idx_revision=idx_revision, hf_token=hf_token, ) files = _hf_files_process(index['files']) if _n_path(file_in_archive) not in files: raise FileNotFoundError(f'File {file_in_archive!r} not found ' f'in {repo_type}s/{repo_id}@{revision}/{archive_in_repo}.') info = files[_n_path(file_in_archive)] url_to_download = hf_hub_url(repo_id, archive_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, endpoint=endpoint) headers = build_hf_headers( token=hf_token, library_name=None, library_version=None, user_agent=user_agent, headers=headers, ) start_bytes = info['offset'] end_bytes = info['offset'] + info['size'] - 1 headers['Range'] = f'bytes={start_bytes}-{end_bytes}' if os.path.dirname(local_file): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_file), exist_ok=True) try: with open(local_file, 'wb') as f: if info['size'] > 0: http_get( url_to_download, f, proxies=proxies, resume_size=0, headers=headers, expected_size=info['size'], displayed_filename=file_in_archive, ) if os.path.getsize(local_file) != info['size']: raise ArchiveStandaloneFileIncompleteDownload( f'Expected size is {info["size"]}, but actually {os.path.getsize(local_file)} downloaded.' ) if info.get('sha256'): _sha256 = _f_sha256(local_file) if _sha256 != info['sha256']: raise ArchiveStandaloneFileHashNotMatch( f'Expected hash is {info["sha256"]!r}, but actually {_sha256!r} found.' ) except Exception: if os.path.exists(local_file): os.remove(local_file) raise