Source code for

import warnings
from typing import Optional

import click

from .base import CONTEXT_SETTINGS, command_wrap, ClickErrorException
from ..operate import download_file_to_file, download_archive_as_directory, download_directory_as_directory
from ..operate.base import REPO_TYPES, RepoTypeTyping

[docs]class NoRemotePathAssignedWithDownload(ClickErrorException): """ Custom exception class for indicating that no remote path in the repository is assigned. """ exit_code = 0x11
def _add_download_subcommand(cli: click.Group) -> click.Group: """ Add the 'download' subcommand to the CLI. :param cli: The Click CLI application. :type cli: click.Group :return: The modified Click CLI application. :rtype: click.Group """ @cli.command('download', help='Download data from HuggingFace.\n\n' 'Set environment $HF_TOKEN to use your own access token.', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option('-r', '--repository', 'repo_id', type=str, required=True, help='Repository to download from.') @click.option('-t', '--type', 'repo_type', type=click.Choice(REPO_TYPES), default='dataset', help='Type of the HuggingFace repository.', show_default=True) @click.option('-f', '--filename', 'file_in_repo', type=str, default=None, help='File in repository to download.') @click.option('-a', '--archive', 'archive_in_repo', type=str, default=None, help='Archive file in repository to download and extract from') @click.option('-d', '--directory', 'dir_in_repo', type=str, default=None, help='Directory in repository to download the full directory tree.') @click.option('-o', '--output', 'output_path', type=str, required=True, help='Output path for download.') @click.option('-R', '--revision', 'revision', type=str, default='main', help='Revision of repository.', show_default=True) @click.option('-n', '--max_workers', 'max_workers', type=int, default=8, help='Max threads to download.', show_default=True) @command_wrap() def download(repo_id: str, repo_type: RepoTypeTyping, file_in_repo: Optional[str], archive_in_repo: Optional[str], dir_in_repo: Optional[str], output_path: str, revision: str, max_workers: int): """ Download data from HuggingFace repositories. :param repo_id: Repository to download from. :type repo_id: str :param repo_type: Type of the HuggingFace repository. :type repo_type: RepoTypeTyping :param file_in_repo: File in repository to download. :type file_in_repo: Optional[str] :param archive_in_repo: Archive file in repository to download and extract from. :type archive_in_repo: Optional[str] :param dir_in_repo: Directory in repository to download the full directory tree. :type dir_in_repo: Optional[str] :param output_path: Output path for download. :type output_path: str :param revision: Revision of repository. :type revision: str :param max_workers: Max workers to download :type max_workers: int """ if not file_in_repo and not archive_in_repo and not dir_in_repo: raise NoRemotePathAssignedWithDownload('No remote path in repository assigned.\n' 'One of the -f, -a, or -d option is required.') if file_in_repo: if archive_in_repo: warnings.warn('File in repository assigned, value of -a option will be ignored.') if dir_in_repo: warnings.warn('File in repository assigned, value of -d option will be ignored.') download_file_to_file( local_file=output_path, repo_id=repo_id, file_in_repo=file_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, ) elif archive_in_repo: if dir_in_repo: warnings.warn('Archive in repository assigned, value of -d option will be ignored.') download_archive_as_directory( local_directory=output_path, repo_id=repo_id, file_in_repo=archive_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, ) elif dir_in_repo: download_directory_as_directory( local_directory=output_path, repo_id=repo_id, dir_in_repo=dir_in_repo, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, silent=False, max_workers=max_workers, ) else: assert False, 'Should not reach this line, it must be a bug!' # pragma: no cover return cli