
This module provides functionality for uploading data to HuggingFace repositories.

It includes a CLI command for uploading files, archives, or directories to HuggingFace repositories. The module handles different upload scenarios, including creating new repositories, setting visibility, and handling various input types.


This module is typically used as part of a larger CLI application for interacting with HuggingFace repositories. It requires appropriate authentication through HuggingFace tokens (set via environment variable HF_TOKEN).


class hfutils.entry.upload.NoRemotePathAssignedWithUpload(message: str)[source]

Custom exception class for indicating that no remote path in the repository is assigned.

This exception is raised when attempting to upload without specifying a remote path (file, archive, or directory) in the repository. At least one of these options must be provided for successful upload operation.

Attribute exit_code:

The exit code to be used when this exception is raised.

exit_code = 33

The exit code for this exception.

show(file: IO | None = None) None

Display the error message in red.


file (Optional[IO]) – File to write the output to.